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We search sale agents

L.P.S srl search sale agents  for free zones.
Introduction customers at industrial machinery manufacturers various sectors, carpentry, workshops meccaniche.Serietà and time available (up to 1/2 mandates than ours), minimum professional autonomy, aged 25/40 years.
Commissions of great interest, exclusive of the area, direct and indirect customers, total technical support, sales support, support strategies, research, exhibitions in trade fairs in the area of expertise.

If interested send CV to the AC supply the Sig. Luca Massarelli
the FAX 039-2060669 or send e-mail:

Subject: Notice of Legislative Decree GDPR Art.13 Reg. UE 2016/679
Personal data collected directly and through third parties by the undersigned, holder of the treatment, are treated according to the principles of privacy, lawfulness, fairness, transparency, both in paper and electronic form, for the performance of contracts and laws and to allow effective management of business relationships.
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The data may be communicated in Italy or abroad, solely for the purposes mentioned above by others, too: our network of collaborators, factoring companies, lenders, debt collection companies, insurance companies, credit information companies Sales professionals and advisors (accountants, lawyers, business consultants) external independent data entities responsible for carrying out individual services in the name and on behalf of the undersigned as vectors and post companies for the same purposes, data may be aware of the following categories of employees and / or managers: employees and associates of the writer in charge of managing the corporate accounting administration or to carry out part of the service object contratto.In as an interested party, you may exercise all rights under Art. 13 reg. UE 2016/679 (including the rights of access, rectification, updating, objects to data processing and cancellation). To exercise your rights you can refer to: Privacy Office, LPS SRL PERFORATED PLATE SPECIAL Via M.Buonarroti 177-20900 Monza (MB)